Today, the 24 th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant / NPP /, is the International Day Commemorating Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes. This is the largest environmental disaster XX Century, with consequences that affected the lives of millions of people. In addressing the consequences of the accident was attended by the liquidators from all 15 republics of the former Soviet Union, which became the common tragedy of Chernobyl disaster. These people most affected by the Chernobyl catastrophe and today nearly one in three of them have disabilities.
April 26, 1986 in 1 hour 23 minutes on the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at its planned stop and the test turboreaktora an explosion and fire.
The Soviet government was silent for three days of the tragedy that threatened the lives of tens of thousands of people, although its true extent was already known in six minutes after the explosion completely destroyed the reactor. The accident was the largest in the history of the "peaceful atom" man-made disaster: was destroyed reactor core of the RBMK. The so-called active phase of the accident lasted 10 days. All this time is extremely intense emission of radioactive elements. Nuclear fuel has been thrown out by the explosion, had a very large enrichment of uranium-235 - up to 60 percent. above. The first days of hot jet climbed to a height of more than a kilometer later - a few hundred meters above the collapse of a reactor. The work station was stopped.
Meanwhile, thousands of people from all over the former Soviet Union were intended to eliminate the consequences of the unprecedented disaster. The work was done mostly by hand. Shovels removed the top layer of soil in the plant, dropping his hands pieces of valves, graphite from the roof of the machine room, washed off a radioactive dirty rags inside the station.
The liquidators have prevented another powerful catastrophe that could occur due to the fact that the destroyed reactor throwing sandbags to drown unit and stop the radiation emissions. From the multi-ton weight was a threat to the supporting structures, and the reactor could collapse in the under-cooling pool with multi-ton mass of water. This threatened a hydrogen explosion, which would have destroyed and the three remaining reactors. Liquidators dug a tunnel under the reactor core, struck the wall of the pool and pumped water. The disaster was averted.
Emissions from fuel stopped only after the construction of "hiding" in November 1986, since the fourth unit is under the sarcophagus. The construction of this unique edifice lasted 5.5 months, it took 440 thousand tons of concrete and 7 thousand tons of steel. Under the shelter has about 180 tons of slightly enriched uranium-235, 70 thousand tons of radioactive warped metal, concrete, glass-like mass, 35 tons of radioactive dust with a total activity of more than 2 million Curie.
In 1998, the international community to join hands around an action plan to transform the Shelter Object into an environmentally safe system. 26 Western donor countries and the European Union agreed to commit 768 million dollars. The parties agreed on the need to build over the old sarcophagus "Shelter-2.
December 15, 2000 was permanently shut down the reactor last, the third power station. Production ceased operation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and began work on its complete closure.
Big concern is the technical condition of the Shelter over the 4 th block of the station - there were cracks, sank the ceiling, thus it is possible to collapse, which could lead to disaster. In March 2004 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced a tender for the construction of a new sarcophagus. The winner in July 2007 was recognized as the French concern "Novark. Construction financing carries the Chernobyl Shelter Fund, established by contributions from donor countries. The Fund is the EBRD. Construction of the Shelter-2 "is scheduled for completion until 2015. Its projected cost - 1.3 billion dollars. Already, the total amount of funds allocated countries Donar $ 1 billion, of which 490 million euros - to build a new shelter.
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Since 2004, work on strengthening the building design of the old sarcophagus carries Russian-Ukrainian consortium "Stabilization". Last year, just before the anniversary - April 24 - the process of stabilization of the "Shelter" has been completed. The new design ensures that for 15 years the object will be safe. Now the concern "Novark Starts Markings place foundation" cover-2. According to the feasibility of the project new protective sarcophagus of Chernobyl nuclear power plant will consist of a shell-type arch with a span / long / - 257 m, width - 150 m, height - 108 m. It is designed for 100 years of safe operation.
April 23, 2008 was held last unloading of the fuel assembly the third power station. Full closure of the station will occur after unloading in the storage of fuel from the reactors.
As a result of the Chernobyl accident large doses of radiation were approximately 600 people from the staff on that day at the NPP site. Of these, 134 people have been particularly significant amounts of radiation, 28 died from radiation sickness within a few months after the accident. 600 thousand liquidators who participated in fire fighting and clean-up, received high doses of radiation, and 19 died during 1987-2004. Contaminated underwent 155 thousand square meters. km of the former Soviet Union with a population of 6 million 945 thousand people. A Chernobyl in 1924 has been a worldwide generic name symbolizes the nuclear threat.
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