Writing the definition of love is difficult. What is clear is that love - a feeling bright and happy, a state where Viagra Online Uk you want something else to give, give.
Interestingly another aspect, when the sense of strange, disturbing, painful, but we still call it love. Or maybe it's not love at all? Can this relationship.
Here is a description of his presentation of love, this one woman: "Love - this flour. Flour, which lasts the entire adult life. And there is no age criterion for her. Whether you 18 or 84. You can Buy Levitra Online Now love many times in life, but true love is one that "breaks" all the internal wires, even decades later. It does not rest day nor night. In the crowd, you always imagine the silhouette of a loved one, shudder and quickly raises the pressure. Love people can easily distinguish Levitra Online love from love. Love - this storm. She came in, poured and finished. Love - is the heat in the desert. Dries without pity, but a mirage gives hope that all is not lost and a good front. "
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I really like the definition of dependence-Love, this IA Eumenes.
"Very often, many of us can not distinguish love from love. Love - it is painful, passionate dependence on Generic Viagra Canada another person. Love never comes from God, because it is torture. In a sense, love - is "Kashcheeva disease." Kashchei Immortal - such a creature, the life force which is not inside it, and in another place, because of what life Kashchei constantly under threat. The state of love is characterized by just that: a sense of Buy Levitra our life is in another person. Falling in love relationships, we are making a step toward another person, losing a foothold in itself. Love - it is a trap, it is a painful state of ecstasy ... "
And cool about a love-relationship is written by famous existential psychotherapist Irvin D. Yalom.
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Well, if there continue to cite the "great", then I will write here a couple of definitions of what they considered love.
"Love - how it can be defined Levitra 20mg in simple terms - a condition when you shine the other person and just thank him for what he takes thy light, thy care of him."
Eumenes II
"When the Cialis Levitra satisfaction, security and development of another person gets to you as important as your own satisfaction, security and development, we can say that this is love." G. Sullivan
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Тип и питание
Вы ломаете голову над тем, почему соседка Люська, никогда не занимавшаяся никаким спортом и отвергающая всякую диету, обладает великолепной фигурой, а вы, регулярно изматывая себя тренировками в тренажерном зале, вместо того, чтобы хотя бы чуточку похудеть, наоборот, набираете лишние килограммы, причем не где-нибудь в нужном месте, а на попе (и без того аппетитной)? Разгадка проста. Оказывается, тип фигуры любой женщины целиком и полностью зависит от количества вырабатываемых гормонов, обмена веществ и ее психики.
Считается, что все женские фигуры условно подразделяются на 4 типа: изящный, поджарый, аппетитный и творческий. И если знать, к какому типу вы принадлежите, можно попробовать избавиться от «проблемных» мест и тем самым как бы подкорректировать свою фигуру в лучшую сторону.
Итак, если своим телом вы напоминаете подростка (у вас узкие кости и бедра, а ягодицы похожи на два маленьких яблочка), то вы явно являетесь обладательницей изящного типа. Для пущей убедительности к этому можно еще добавить, что вас никогда не волновали проблемы с целлюлитом и прибавкой в весе. И в то же время вы испытываете серьезное недовольство по поводу маленького животика и слабо обозначенной талии.
Нужно сказать, что женщины такого типа довольно долго выглядят стройными, хотя приходит время, и они тоже начинают полнеть. Так вот, чтобы в будущем избежать подобных проблем и не походить на пухленького поросенка, попробуйте пересмотреть свое питание. А именно, побольше налегать на белки (бобовые, мясо, рыба, яйца) и поменьше «баловать» себя углеводами (хлеб, макароны), ограничить себя в употреблении таких излюбленных продуктов, как молоко, сладости, булочки и газированные напитки. При этом значительная часть еды должна приходиться на завтрак, а то, что касается ужина, то его, как говориться, не жалко отдать врагу.
Серьезно заниматься тренировками изящным женщинам не стоит, хотя некоторые упражнения на выносливость совсем не помешают.
Если ваша верхняя часть тела крупнее (широкие плечи, красивая грудь) нижней (небольшие ягодицы и сильные ноги), то вам присущ поджарый тип фигуры. Не имея никаких проблем с целлюлитом, вы в то же время склонны к полноте в области груди и живота, что визуально делает фигуру похожей на атлетическую.
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Не допустить этого поможет опять-таки диета. Попробуйте ограничить себя в употреблении острых и соленых блюд, мяса и алкоголя, а также всевозможных соусов, сливочного масла и шоколада. В вашем рационе должно быть побольше фруктов (особенно дыни) и овощей. А еще лучше «пересесть» на вегетарианскую диету. Что касается физических упражнений, то если вы уже занимаетесь аэробикой, лыжами или бегом – продолжайте в том же духе. Если пока еще только раздумываете над тем, чем бы таким вам бы заняться, – запишитесь на плавание.
Аппетитный тип – это классическое женское тело с узкими плечами и широкими, чуточку тяжеловатыми ягодицами.
Женщинам такого типа, как бы они не старались, практически невозможно поправиться в верхней части тела, зато это очень легко у них получается в нижней части тела со всеми вытекающими отсюда проблемами (взять все тот же надоевший целлюлит). А раз так, то аппетитным женщинам (не случайно же именно такие женщины всегда вдохновляли на творчество мужчин) навсегда следует забыть о всевозможных булочках, макаронах, масле, сливках, соусах и шоколаде. И вместо этого наполнить свой стол овощами (особенно капустой) и фруктами.
Если не знаете, какими видами тренировок себя занять, то упражнения на выносливость – это как раз то, что вам так не хватает. В том случае, если и после них вам никак не удается сбросить еще пару-тройку ненужных килограммов, возьмите в руки гантели или какую-либо другую тяжесть и попробуйте делать все известные вам упражнения, но уже с ними. А, учитывая то, что аппетитные женщины, как правило, являются «жаворонками», то и начинать упражнения рекомендуется в первой половине дня.
Творческий тип – это тот, что называется 90 х 60 х 90, поэтому обладательницам столь пропорционального тела остается лишь только позавидовать. Однако и у таких женщин со временем появляются проблемы, связанные главным образом с накоплением лишнего жирка в области живота и бедер (руки и ноги при этом по-прежнему остаются худыми).
Что делать и как сохранить свою фигуру идеальной на долгие годы? Опять же сделать упор на правильное питание. Для женщин творческого типа фигуры специалисты рекомендуют включать в рацион своего питания обезжиренные молочные продукты и нежирные животные белки (птица, дичь, рыба, яйца, белое мясо), допустимы всевозможные орешки, и что самое главное – кушать побольше овощей, фруктов и зелени зеленого цвета. Оказывается, для них это крайне полезно.
Лучшими видами спорта для этого типа женщин являются танцы, аэробика и степ. Причем, заниматься физическими упражнениями женщинам творческого типа следует во второй половине дня, когда они хорошенько выспятся и отдохнут.
Теперь вы знаете, каким образом можно попробовать обмануть природу и заставить свою фигуру измениться в лучшую сторону? Тогда дерзайте и будьте уверены, что успех уже не за горами.
Считается, что все женские фигуры условно подразделяются на 4 типа: изящный, поджарый, аппетитный и творческий. И если знать, к какому типу вы принадлежите, можно попробовать избавиться от «проблемных» мест и тем самым как бы подкорректировать свою фигуру в лучшую сторону.
Итак, если своим телом вы напоминаете подростка (у вас узкие кости и бедра, а ягодицы похожи на два маленьких яблочка), то вы явно являетесь обладательницей изящного типа. Для пущей убедительности к этому можно еще добавить, что вас никогда не волновали проблемы с целлюлитом и прибавкой в весе. И в то же время вы испытываете серьезное недовольство по поводу маленького животика и слабо обозначенной талии.
Нужно сказать, что женщины такого типа довольно долго выглядят стройными, хотя приходит время, и они тоже начинают полнеть. Так вот, чтобы в будущем избежать подобных проблем и не походить на пухленького поросенка, попробуйте пересмотреть свое питание. А именно, побольше налегать на белки (бобовые, мясо, рыба, яйца) и поменьше «баловать» себя углеводами (хлеб, макароны), ограничить себя в употреблении таких излюбленных продуктов, как молоко, сладости, булочки и газированные напитки. При этом значительная часть еды должна приходиться на завтрак, а то, что касается ужина, то его, как говориться, не жалко отдать врагу.
Серьезно заниматься тренировками изящным женщинам не стоит, хотя некоторые упражнения на выносливость совсем не помешают.
Если ваша верхняя часть тела крупнее (широкие плечи, красивая грудь) нижней (небольшие ягодицы и сильные ноги), то вам присущ поджарый тип фигуры. Не имея никаких проблем с целлюлитом, вы в то же время склонны к полноте в области груди и живота, что визуально делает фигуру похожей на атлетическую.
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Не допустить этого поможет опять-таки диета. Попробуйте ограничить себя в употреблении острых и соленых блюд, мяса и алкоголя, а также всевозможных соусов, сливочного масла и шоколада. В вашем рационе должно быть побольше фруктов (особенно дыни) и овощей. А еще лучше «пересесть» на вегетарианскую диету. Что касается физических упражнений, то если вы уже занимаетесь аэробикой, лыжами или бегом – продолжайте в том же духе. Если пока еще только раздумываете над тем, чем бы таким вам бы заняться, – запишитесь на плавание.
Аппетитный тип – это классическое женское тело с узкими плечами и широкими, чуточку тяжеловатыми ягодицами.
Женщинам такого типа, как бы они не старались, практически невозможно поправиться в верхней части тела, зато это очень легко у них получается в нижней части тела со всеми вытекающими отсюда проблемами (взять все тот же надоевший целлюлит). А раз так, то аппетитным женщинам (не случайно же именно такие женщины всегда вдохновляли на творчество мужчин) навсегда следует забыть о всевозможных булочках, макаронах, масле, сливках, соусах и шоколаде. И вместо этого наполнить свой стол овощами (особенно капустой) и фруктами.
Если не знаете, какими видами тренировок себя занять, то упражнения на выносливость – это как раз то, что вам так не хватает. В том случае, если и после них вам никак не удается сбросить еще пару-тройку ненужных килограммов, возьмите в руки гантели или какую-либо другую тяжесть и попробуйте делать все известные вам упражнения, но уже с ними. А, учитывая то, что аппетитные женщины, как правило, являются «жаворонками», то и начинать упражнения рекомендуется в первой половине дня.
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1. Brass Brass (born brasse, from bras - arm), colloquially "swimming" on a frog "- perhaps the most ancient and unique style of the slowest sports swimming, nevertheless, for long a core technology in Europe. It is in this style were placed first sports records. Technique: a way of navigation on the chest, in which the swimmer makes the simultaneous horizontal strokes and kicks, keeping and breeding them, like a normal frog in the suburban swamp. Head there may be immersed in water, but may remain above the water. History: breaststroke was included in the Olympics already in 1904. At the first competition swimmers carefully kept his head above water ("classic", "orthodox" breaststroke), but, naturally, they could not embarrass their own tardiness.
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In the struggle for speed swimmers tried to overcome most of the distance under water, but in 1957, "Brass diving was banned. In 1960, Olympic medalists American William Mulliken and Japanese Yoshiko Osaki found a new clever way to accelerate the movement of water in breaststroke. They showed that you need to do during the paddle with his hands to keep his face under water, and at the end of the stroke to quickly raise the shoulder girdle and head above the surface, then back to lower a person in the water, show hands forward and make a powerful impetus to his feet.
Monday, April 26, 2010
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Today, the 24 th anniversary of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant / NPP /, is the International Day Commemorating Victims of Radiation Accidents and Catastrophes. This is the largest environmental disaster XX Century, with consequences that affected the lives of millions of people. In addressing the consequences of the accident was attended by the liquidators from all 15 republics of the former Soviet Union, which became the common tragedy of Chernobyl disaster. These people most affected by the Chernobyl catastrophe and today nearly one in three of them have disabilities.
April 26, 1986 in 1 hour 23 minutes on the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at its planned stop and the test turboreaktora an explosion and fire.
The Soviet government was silent for three days of the tragedy that threatened the lives of tens of thousands of people, although its true extent was already known in six minutes after the explosion completely destroyed the reactor. The accident was the largest in the history of the "peaceful atom" man-made disaster: was destroyed reactor core of the RBMK. The so-called active phase of the accident lasted 10 days. All this time is extremely intense emission of radioactive elements. Nuclear fuel has been thrown out by the explosion, had a very large enrichment of uranium-235 - up to 60 percent. above. The first days of hot jet climbed to a height of more than a kilometer later - a few hundred meters above the collapse of a reactor. The work station was stopped.
Meanwhile, thousands of people from all over the former Soviet Union were intended to eliminate the consequences of the unprecedented disaster. The work was done mostly by hand. Shovels removed the top layer of soil in the plant, dropping his hands pieces of valves, graphite from the roof of the machine room, washed off a radioactive dirty rags inside the station.
The liquidators have prevented another powerful catastrophe that could occur due to the fact that the destroyed reactor throwing sandbags to drown unit and stop the radiation emissions. From the multi-ton weight was a threat to the supporting structures, and the reactor could collapse in the under-cooling pool with multi-ton mass of water. This threatened a hydrogen explosion, which would have destroyed and the three remaining reactors. Liquidators dug a tunnel under the reactor core, struck the wall of the pool and pumped water. The disaster was averted.
Emissions from fuel stopped only after the construction of "hiding" in November 1986, since the fourth unit is under the sarcophagus. The construction of this unique edifice lasted 5.5 months, it took 440 thousand tons of concrete and 7 thousand tons of steel. Under the shelter has about 180 tons of slightly enriched uranium-235, 70 thousand tons of radioactive warped metal, concrete, glass-like mass, 35 tons of radioactive dust with a total activity of more than 2 million Curie.
In 1998, the international community to join hands around an action plan to transform the Shelter Object into an environmentally safe system. 26 Western donor countries and the European Union agreed to commit 768 million dollars. The parties agreed on the need to build over the old sarcophagus "Shelter-2.
December 15, 2000 was permanently shut down the reactor last, the third power station. Production ceased operation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and began work on its complete closure.
Big concern is the technical condition of the Shelter over the 4 th block of the station - there were cracks, sank the ceiling, thus it is possible to collapse, which could lead to disaster. In March 2004 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced a tender for the construction of a new sarcophagus. The winner in July 2007 was recognized as the French concern "Novark. Construction financing carries the Chernobyl Shelter Fund, established by contributions from donor countries. The Fund is the EBRD. Construction of the Shelter-2 "is scheduled for completion until 2015. Its projected cost - 1.3 billion dollars. Already, the total amount of funds allocated countries Donar $ 1 billion, of which 490 million euros - to build a new shelter.
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Since 2004, work on strengthening the building design of the old sarcophagus carries Russian-Ukrainian consortium "Stabilization". Last year, just before the anniversary - April 24 - the process of stabilization of the "Shelter" has been completed. The new design ensures that for 15 years the object will be safe. Now the concern "Novark Starts Markings place foundation" cover-2. According to the feasibility of the project new protective sarcophagus of Chernobyl nuclear power plant will consist of a shell-type arch with a span / long / - 257 m, width - 150 m, height - 108 m. It is designed for 100 years of safe operation.
April 23, 2008 was held last unloading of the fuel assembly the third power station. Full closure of the station will occur after unloading in the storage of fuel from the reactors.
As a result of the Chernobyl accident large doses of radiation were approximately 600 people from the staff on that day at the NPP site. Of these, 134 people have been particularly significant amounts of radiation, 28 died from radiation sickness within a few months after the accident. 600 thousand liquidators who participated in fire fighting and clean-up, received high doses of radiation, and 19 died during 1987-2004. Contaminated underwent 155 thousand square meters. km of the former Soviet Union with a population of 6 million 945 thousand people. A Chernobyl in 1924 has been a worldwide generic name symbolizes the nuclear threat.
April 26, 1986 in 1 hour 23 minutes on the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant at its planned stop and the test turboreaktora an explosion and fire.
The Soviet government was silent for three days of the tragedy that threatened the lives of tens of thousands of people, although its true extent was already known in six minutes after the explosion completely destroyed the reactor. The accident was the largest in the history of the "peaceful atom" man-made disaster: was destroyed reactor core of the RBMK. The so-called active phase of the accident lasted 10 days. All this time is extremely intense emission of radioactive elements. Nuclear fuel has been thrown out by the explosion, had a very large enrichment of uranium-235 - up to 60 percent. above. The first days of hot jet climbed to a height of more than a kilometer later - a few hundred meters above the collapse of a reactor. The work station was stopped.
Meanwhile, thousands of people from all over the former Soviet Union were intended to eliminate the consequences of the unprecedented disaster. The work was done mostly by hand. Shovels removed the top layer of soil in the plant, dropping his hands pieces of valves, graphite from the roof of the machine room, washed off a radioactive dirty rags inside the station.
The liquidators have prevented another powerful catastrophe that could occur due to the fact that the destroyed reactor throwing sandbags to drown unit and stop the radiation emissions. From the multi-ton weight was a threat to the supporting structures, and the reactor could collapse in the under-cooling pool with multi-ton mass of water. This threatened a hydrogen explosion, which would have destroyed and the three remaining reactors. Liquidators dug a tunnel under the reactor core, struck the wall of the pool and pumped water. The disaster was averted.
Emissions from fuel stopped only after the construction of "hiding" in November 1986, since the fourth unit is under the sarcophagus. The construction of this unique edifice lasted 5.5 months, it took 440 thousand tons of concrete and 7 thousand tons of steel. Under the shelter has about 180 tons of slightly enriched uranium-235, 70 thousand tons of radioactive warped metal, concrete, glass-like mass, 35 tons of radioactive dust with a total activity of more than 2 million Curie.
In 1998, the international community to join hands around an action plan to transform the Shelter Object into an environmentally safe system. 26 Western donor countries and the European Union agreed to commit 768 million dollars. The parties agreed on the need to build over the old sarcophagus "Shelter-2.
December 15, 2000 was permanently shut down the reactor last, the third power station. Production ceased operation of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and began work on its complete closure.
Big concern is the technical condition of the Shelter over the 4 th block of the station - there were cracks, sank the ceiling, thus it is possible to collapse, which could lead to disaster. In March 2004 the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development announced a tender for the construction of a new sarcophagus. The winner in July 2007 was recognized as the French concern "Novark. Construction financing carries the Chernobyl Shelter Fund, established by contributions from donor countries. The Fund is the EBRD. Construction of the Shelter-2 "is scheduled for completion until 2015. Its projected cost - 1.3 billion dollars. Already, the total amount of funds allocated countries Donar $ 1 billion, of which 490 million euros - to build a new shelter.
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Since 2004, work on strengthening the building design of the old sarcophagus carries Russian-Ukrainian consortium "Stabilization". Last year, just before the anniversary - April 24 - the process of stabilization of the "Shelter" has been completed. The new design ensures that for 15 years the object will be safe. Now the concern "Novark Starts Markings place foundation" cover-2. According to the feasibility of the project new protective sarcophagus of Chernobyl nuclear power plant will consist of a shell-type arch with a span / long / - 257 m, width - 150 m, height - 108 m. It is designed for 100 years of safe operation.
April 23, 2008 was held last unloading of the fuel assembly the third power station. Full closure of the station will occur after unloading in the storage of fuel from the reactors.
As a result of the Chernobyl accident large doses of radiation were approximately 600 people from the staff on that day at the NPP site. Of these, 134 people have been particularly significant amounts of radiation, 28 died from radiation sickness within a few months after the accident. 600 thousand liquidators who participated in fire fighting and clean-up, received high doses of radiation, and 19 died during 1987-2004. Contaminated underwent 155 thousand square meters. km of the former Soviet Union with a population of 6 million 945 thousand people. A Chernobyl in 1924 has been a worldwide generic name symbolizes the nuclear threat.
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Sagittarius Horoscope: October can be a month of gaining balance. During this period, if the principle of the golden mean, then it can be to achieve success in most cases and causes. This time will not differ very high productivity, but it was deserved reward in the form of the results you should receive. In the first half of October activity will be more apparent in family matters. Now you can do housework, especially applications requiring physical effort. This is a good period for the establishment of life, for some repairs in your home, or at least, general cleaning.
The second half of the month is much better suited to organize their personal lives. Now you'll be filled with creative energy, mood would be romantic, increased assertiveness in dealing with the opposite sex. At the same time you are ready for a beautiful relationship and are ready to exert themselves to this effort. There is a desire to stability in relationships, tying strong ties. In the current relationship, provided that you will devote more time to rest the joint and pay attention to the romance in your relationship, this period will be very harmonious and pleasant.
The second half of the month is also well suited for the commission of any of the noble and beautiful and actions. The second half of October, can be devoted to sporting activities with their children, and if you do sports professionally, but now we can show themselves to advantage in the ongoing competition at this time. Even if you can not win, you still will be satisfied with the results shown.
The most auspicious days in October: 1, 6, 12, 17, 21, 27.
Least successful days of the month: 2, 15, 19, 26.
Aries: The first half of October will bring a typical Ovnam very active in matters related to your home, real estate, as well as relationships within the family. In dealing with such issues during this period of you need to show initiative, decisiveness and assertiveness at times. This time is also a really good solution to any domestic issues. In the second half of the month you'll be more daring, especially it will manifest itself in relations with the opposite sex. Women Aries will not wait for the first step on men, and men born under the sign of Aries, will be able to easily demonstrate their fascination and determination. This time will bring you new acquaintances. Luck will accompany you in the existing personal relationships.
Successful days: 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 31.
Intense days: 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25.
Taurus: During the first half of the month you will notice that they have become more assertive in communicating with people around you. You will be directly and openly say almost everything, will respect the sincerity. It should be noted that this will attract to you more attention from the opposite sex, likely to interest dating, flirting. The second half of the month to shift its focus to family matters. During this period, you will be able to clarify a lot in the relationship with relatives. The second half of October and will focus on the issues of your work, now in this area you have to take many important decisions, build relationships with colleagues. Relevant in the second half of October and will be issues related to health. This is the perfect time to go through the planned survey, beginning prophylactic treatment.
Successful days: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25.
Unsuccessful days: 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27.
Gemini: Are you thinking about during the first half of October will bring a typical Gemini increased activity in all cases, but especially those that involve money. During this period, your energy will increase, and you can use it to increase their income. But this can be increased and costs, and so keep himself in hand and avoid unnecessary waste. A lot of flirting and communication waits typical Gemini in the second half of this month. Now you can easily make new friends and take the initiative in romantic relationships, even if such assertiveness, you do not usually characterized. This time you will be favorable for any kind of intellectual creativity, use their own erudition.
Favorable schedule: 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27.
Intense days: 1, 2, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30.
Cancer: Common Cancers in the first half of the second month of autumn will notice that they have become more open, bold and resolute. This time you will also be a wonderful period for the exercise of physical strength and sports. Now you can at least deal effectively with physical exertion. Success in this period will be waiting for you in small trips and short trips. The second half of the month may bring changes to your value system. We have not ruled out a change of attitude toward money and material goods. During this period, you will need support from people close to you and your family members. Fortunately, relations with them will now be folded smoothly and positively. Not excluded in this period of successful operations with real estate.
Favorable days: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29,
Adverse days: 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31.
Leo: Doing their spiritual development, to explore their inner needs of the typical Lions will be able to effectively during the first half of this month. During this period, your activity in the external world can be somewhat reduced, but inside you may be facing major restructuring and transformation. The first half of October as well suited to address your financial and material issues, this time you can make a successful purchase and acquisition. The second half of October will be more active. You start it rested, full of strength and energy. In conversation you will be open, but not sharp, your charm will only gain. This period is pretty good for new beginnings, this time successfully will be added soon travel and communication will bring more positive emotions.
Successful days: 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 31.
Adverse days: 6, 7, 19, 20, 26, 27.
Virgo: In the first half of this month you will continue to be active in the field of friendly relations. Next to you now will be people with active lifestyle, may occur and some of the competition which, however, will only contribute to the growth and development. This time is also very well suited to show his charm, or to do with their appearance, for example, make a new hairstyle, dye my hair. Addressing financial issues typical of the Virgin will be able to successfully engage in the second half of October. During this period, your financial plans will be successful, it will be possible to plan costs, to make successful purchases. Activities decrease slightly, increase the need for rest and relaxation.
Successful days: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25.
Days increased attention: 1, 2, 8, 9, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30.
Libra: Location of the planets during the first half of October will actively pursue the typical Libra set ourselves goals and objectives. And you can combine assertiveness with softer approach, in the right moments to act openly, and at other times to exercise the necessary caution. It is this versatility will help you succeed at this time. In the second half of the month you may have new plans, more will come new ideas. This time is favorable for the exercise of personal initiative in any collective affairs, now you may find it easier to have people to himself, it would likely contribute to you in this period of new associates, friends and colleagues.
Favorable schedule: 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27.
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Scorpio: The first half of October will bring you a strong desire to research activities. Now you will be interested in new knowledge, but want to produce their own. In this activity you must be able to find like-minded people with whom the case during this period in this direction you will move much faster. To demonstrate the results of their work you can in the second half of this month. However, it may be a situation that, on the contrary, you do not want to talk about their own achievements, but will use them to achieve their own goals. Both during the second half of October will be quite successful for you.
Favorable days: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30.
Days increased attention: 6, 7, 12, 13, 26, 27.
Sagittarius: For the reckless behavior in typical Streltsov left very little time. To accomplish them, you can in the first half of this month. But that's worth considering how much you really need. This time much more effectively be used for transformations in their lives, preferably smooth. A store energy can now be easily reset with the help of more frequent sexual relations. The second half of the month will be a favorable period for traveling along with their friends. Now you can visit the most interesting places, and your curiosity will be able to satisfy the strengthened travel to those countries in which you have not previously visited. The second half of October will also be a good period for learning.
Successful days: 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 31.
Adverse days: 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 28, 29, 30.
Capricorn: Location of the planets in the first half of October, said the high activity typical Capricorn in the field of business and personal relationships. During this period, you will be able to openly discuss sensitive issues, and quite unlikely to be able to avoid disagreements. But fear is not worth it, the solution of problems "in the forehead," now may be even and rapid, but highly effective way. Due to its charm, as well as thoughtful, but act decisively, you can achieve good results and great success during the second half of this month. This period will be effective and to address any formal questions. Toward the end of the month you will notice that increases your sexuality and your intimate life becomes more dynamic.
Successful days: 6, 7, 15, 16 (matinee), 24, 25.
Adverse days: 4, 5, 10, 11, 17, 18, 31.
Aquarius: During the first half of this month, the typical Aquarian star advised to complete all the work that requires high activity. Already in the second half of this month to show such enthusiasm you can not, and so try to take advantage of this period maximum. The second half of October will be a good period to expand their horizons, travel to leisure and entertainment. During this period, the development will affect the scope and personal relationships, personal life may appear new perspectives. The existing relations are valid questions of world outlook, try to discuss them with your loved one during this period. Or just dream along with his other half of your future together.
Favorable schedule: 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27.
Least successful days: 6, 7, 12, 13, 19, 20.
Pisces: The first half of October you will be a period of romance and rich opportunities for personal relationships. Now perhaps the beginning of new novels, which will eventually lead to serious and sensual relationship. The existing unions are now also will oversee a dynamic and harmony. Some fish in October will start thinking about procreation. Romantics will be less in the second half of the month. In place of it will have an intense desire to work. Energy and effort will be enough, and even likely remain on the sensual intimate contact, which in this period can be very bright and emotional. The second half of the month as well suited for small repairs at home or do any physical work on the house.
Favorable days: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30.
Intense days: 8, 9, 15, 16, 21, 22.
The second half of the month is much better suited to organize their personal lives. Now you'll be filled with creative energy, mood would be romantic, increased assertiveness in dealing with the opposite sex. At the same time you are ready for a beautiful relationship and are ready to exert themselves to this effort. There is a desire to stability in relationships, tying strong ties. In the current relationship, provided that you will devote more time to rest the joint and pay attention to the romance in your relationship, this period will be very harmonious and pleasant.
The second half of the month is also well suited for the commission of any of the noble and beautiful and actions. The second half of October, can be devoted to sporting activities with their children, and if you do sports professionally, but now we can show themselves to advantage in the ongoing competition at this time. Even if you can not win, you still will be satisfied with the results shown.
The most auspicious days in October: 1, 6, 12, 17, 21, 27.
Least successful days of the month: 2, 15, 19, 26.
Aries: The first half of October will bring a typical Ovnam very active in matters related to your home, real estate, as well as relationships within the family. In dealing with such issues during this period of you need to show initiative, decisiveness and assertiveness at times. This time is also a really good solution to any domestic issues. In the second half of the month you'll be more daring, especially it will manifest itself in relations with the opposite sex. Women Aries will not wait for the first step on men, and men born under the sign of Aries, will be able to easily demonstrate their fascination and determination. This time will bring you new acquaintances. Luck will accompany you in the existing personal relationships.
Successful days: 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 31.
Intense days: 10, 11, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25.
Taurus: During the first half of the month you will notice that they have become more assertive in communicating with people around you. You will be directly and openly say almost everything, will respect the sincerity. It should be noted that this will attract to you more attention from the opposite sex, likely to interest dating, flirting. The second half of the month to shift its focus to family matters. During this period, you will be able to clarify a lot in the relationship with relatives. The second half of October and will focus on the issues of your work, now in this area you have to take many important decisions, build relationships with colleagues. Relevant in the second half of October and will be issues related to health. This is the perfect time to go through the planned survey, beginning prophylactic treatment.
Successful days: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25.
Unsuccessful days: 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27.
Gemini: Are you thinking about during the first half of October will bring a typical Gemini increased activity in all cases, but especially those that involve money. During this period, your energy will increase, and you can use it to increase their income. But this can be increased and costs, and so keep himself in hand and avoid unnecessary waste. A lot of flirting and communication waits typical Gemini in the second half of this month. Now you can easily make new friends and take the initiative in romantic relationships, even if such assertiveness, you do not usually characterized. This time you will be favorable for any kind of intellectual creativity, use their own erudition.
Favorable schedule: 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27.
Intense days: 1, 2, 14, 15, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30.
Cancer: Common Cancers in the first half of the second month of autumn will notice that they have become more open, bold and resolute. This time you will also be a wonderful period for the exercise of physical strength and sports. Now you can at least deal effectively with physical exertion. Success in this period will be waiting for you in small trips and short trips. The second half of the month may bring changes to your value system. We have not ruled out a change of attitude toward money and material goods. During this period, you will need support from people close to you and your family members. Fortunately, relations with them will now be folded smoothly and positively. Not excluded in this period of successful operations with real estate.
Favorable days: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29,
Adverse days: 4, 5, 16, 17, 18, 24, 25, 31.
Leo: Doing their spiritual development, to explore their inner needs of the typical Lions will be able to effectively during the first half of this month. During this period, your activity in the external world can be somewhat reduced, but inside you may be facing major restructuring and transformation. The first half of October as well suited to address your financial and material issues, this time you can make a successful purchase and acquisition. The second half of October will be more active. You start it rested, full of strength and energy. In conversation you will be open, but not sharp, your charm will only gain. This period is pretty good for new beginnings, this time successfully will be added soon travel and communication will bring more positive emotions.
Successful days: 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 31.
Adverse days: 6, 7, 19, 20, 26, 27.
Virgo: In the first half of this month you will continue to be active in the field of friendly relations. Next to you now will be people with active lifestyle, may occur and some of the competition which, however, will only contribute to the growth and development. This time is also very well suited to show his charm, or to do with their appearance, for example, make a new hairstyle, dye my hair. Addressing financial issues typical of the Virgin will be able to successfully engage in the second half of October. During this period, your financial plans will be successful, it will be possible to plan costs, to make successful purchases. Activities decrease slightly, increase the need for rest and relaxation.
Successful days: 6, 7, 15, 16, 24, 25.
Days increased attention: 1, 2, 8, 9, 21, 22, 28, 29, 30.
Libra: Location of the planets during the first half of October will actively pursue the typical Libra set ourselves goals and objectives. And you can combine assertiveness with softer approach, in the right moments to act openly, and at other times to exercise the necessary caution. It is this versatility will help you succeed at this time. In the second half of the month you may have new plans, more will come new ideas. This time is favorable for the exercise of personal initiative in any collective affairs, now you may find it easier to have people to himself, it would likely contribute to you in this period of new associates, friends and colleagues.
Favorable schedule: 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27.
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Scorpio: The first half of October will bring you a strong desire to research activities. Now you will be interested in new knowledge, but want to produce their own. In this activity you must be able to find like-minded people with whom the case during this period in this direction you will move much faster. To demonstrate the results of their work you can in the second half of this month. However, it may be a situation that, on the contrary, you do not want to talk about their own achievements, but will use them to achieve their own goals. Both during the second half of October will be quite successful for you.
Favorable days: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30.
Days increased attention: 6, 7, 12, 13, 26, 27.
Sagittarius: For the reckless behavior in typical Streltsov left very little time. To accomplish them, you can in the first half of this month. But that's worth considering how much you really need. This time much more effectively be used for transformations in their lives, preferably smooth. A store energy can now be easily reset with the help of more frequent sexual relations. The second half of the month will be a favorable period for traveling along with their friends. Now you can visit the most interesting places, and your curiosity will be able to satisfy the strengthened travel to those countries in which you have not previously visited. The second half of October will also be a good period for learning.
Successful days: 4, 5, 12, 13, 21, 22, 31.
Adverse days: 1, 2, 8, 9, 15, 28, 29, 30.
Capricorn: Location of the planets in the first half of October, said the high activity typical Capricorn in the field of business and personal relationships. During this period, you will be able to openly discuss sensitive issues, and quite unlikely to be able to avoid disagreements. But fear is not worth it, the solution of problems "in the forehead," now may be even and rapid, but highly effective way. Due to its charm, as well as thoughtful, but act decisively, you can achieve good results and great success during the second half of this month. This period will be effective and to address any formal questions. Toward the end of the month you will notice that increases your sexuality and your intimate life becomes more dynamic.
Successful days: 6, 7, 15, 16 (matinee), 24, 25.
Adverse days: 4, 5, 10, 11, 17, 18, 31.
Aquarius: During the first half of this month, the typical Aquarian star advised to complete all the work that requires high activity. Already in the second half of this month to show such enthusiasm you can not, and so try to take advantage of this period maximum. The second half of October will be a good period to expand their horizons, travel to leisure and entertainment. During this period, the development will affect the scope and personal relationships, personal life may appear new perspectives. The existing relations are valid questions of world outlook, try to discuss them with your loved one during this period. Or just dream along with his other half of your future together.
Favorable schedule: 8, 9, 16, 17, 18, 26, 27.
Least successful days: 6, 7, 12, 13, 19, 20.
Pisces: The first half of October you will be a period of romance and rich opportunities for personal relationships. Now perhaps the beginning of new novels, which will eventually lead to serious and sensual relationship. The existing unions are now also will oversee a dynamic and harmony. Some fish in October will start thinking about procreation. Romantics will be less in the second half of the month. In place of it will have an intense desire to work. Energy and effort will be enough, and even likely remain on the sensual intimate contact, which in this period can be very bright and emotional. The second half of the month as well suited for small repairs at home or do any physical work on the house.
Favorable days: 1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 20, 28, 29, 30.
Intense days: 8, 9, 15, 16, 21, 22.
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