What is nipple-empty
Appearing on the light, the child did not know how, and its relationship with the outside world is kept only on innate reflexes, one of which is sucking (in the first months of life is the main, dominant reflex). And because the baby sucking for not just self-indulgence or an amusement, but an act, filled with special, profound meaning. Sucking on the breast and the more bottles with artificial mixture can not fully satisfy the principal until the instinct. And then it comes to the aid of a pacifier. In addition, parents troubled children know what an excellent sedative and hypnotic drug. Most children simply suck on a pacifier, to gain peace of mind and balance, and sleep.
It is important to remember that the dummy should not be the usual means to calm the child. More important to find out the causes of disorders of the child and seek a solution. Do not abuse the empty shell and give her baby when he is calm and can get along without it.
When pacifiers should not be used in any case?
alt In the first weeks of breastfeeding.
When a child learns to suck the breast in his mouth should not be anything other than the nipple mom. The newborn must learn how to suck, to get more milk. The baby sucks the pacifier differently than the mother nipple. Some newborns, but not all, are beginning to get confused if both of them give breast pacifier or bottle with a pacifier. Miming has a narrow base and babies do not need to open up his mouth. As a result, they are sucking on the breast properly, chewing nipples, and this is a very bad start breastfeeding.
Tip: Do not use pacifiers until the newborn is not learned to suck and yet you have a lot of milk. If you have sore nipples or you are very tired, let your baby finger (or, better yet, let it be my father's finger). The feeling of skin to skin is, your index finger or pinky pope placed in the child's mouth, better imitate sucking chest.
alt as substitutes for feeding.
Pacifiers are needed to meet the needs of nursing, and not to delay or replace the feed! At the other end of the "comforter" should always be a living person. Chest (or finger) did not give a habit of appearing simply stop the source of the cries in a mechanical way. <
Pacifiers and thumb: which is better?
Once the baby with partially unsatisfied sucking reflex realized that the mouth can cram your finger or even two, he will be happy to spend too much time and slobber their tiny fingers. And then the question of choice arises, as they say, an edge. Finger or Dummy? If the preferences of the child can have an impact, you should choose a pacifier. First, the nipple - it is an object from the outside world, which is extremely important to maintain some connection to ever find it and what will replace the pacifier. If the baby is sucking his finger, he is completely closed on itself, and none of the surrounding reality can not help him. In addition, to replace the finger is much more difficult, as the child gets used to rely solely on himself. If the baby sucks her thumb and rejects the pacifier, you can try to breast feed him more often and make every feeding a long time.
Miming is not harmless.
The main danger posed by prolonged sucking pacifiers - a change in the structure of the oral cavity. When the first baby teeth is empty may cause improper formation of the bite and often becomes the cause of the defects of diction.
Doctors also warn parents of the seductive idea of wet pacifier in anything sweet (juice, honey, jam), so that the baby soon calmed down and fell asleep. Thus, the crumbs may be dependent on a certain taste, that not only prevents wean him from the pacifier, but also promotes the development of caries
How to choose a pacifier and use it?
When buying a pacifier, parents should be a good idea of what they are to buy what you need is your child. One must consider not only the form of nipples and the material of which it is made, but also its size (there are dummies of different sizes for children up to six months and after six months) and level of reliability
It is desirable that the dummy was made from a single piece of rubber or silicone, or at least that it was hard to make out because the baby may swallow part of the nipples. It is also necessary that the plate had a hole at the base to the child was easy to breathe.
Silicone is easy to disinfect, so pacifier silicone safer. In addition, it is also very durable material, so that this dummy serve longer. Rubber may also cause a nettle-rash on the cheeks and lips, and it is better to collect dirt. However, when the baby teeth begin to appear, the hard silicone may contribute to their deformation.
Dentists recommend anatomical pacifiers (also known as orthopedic, ortodontalnymi, dental). This nipple is flat on the side adjacent to the language. The shape of the anatomical structure of the gum meets the nipples and has less influence on their structure. Often you will notice that the baby sucks the pacifier the anatomic contrary, ie flat side of the sky, and the concave side of the language. It is not harmful and does not damage the gums. This nipple can suck in any way
Before the first use alt boil nipples and bottles a few minutes. Avoiding damage to the bottles and nipples in boiling, watch the water level above products. Boil for 2-3 minutes is enough.
alt Thoroughly wash and disinfect teats and bottles before each use.
alt holder must regularly inspect and discovering the damage, immediately emis
alt not tie a pacifier with rubber bands. Use a ribbon or a plastic chain.
alt can not keep it long in the sun or near a heat source. <
alt must have more than one tone to avoid a tragedy, if lost, and only favorite.
alt Do not let silicone pacifiers children with carved teeth.
alt nipples natural latex have a limited lifespan. Check the nipples for cracks and breaks before each use and replace latex nipples after 4-6 weeks of regular use.
When and how to wean from the pacifier
It all depends on the degree of attachment and dependency on the pacifier. Sucking reflex begins to fade after six months, the child appeared more intense emotions. It's time to offer him a new interesting and useful entertainment, and not gag pacifier until 1, 5, or even 2 years. For weaning should choose the most peaceful and stable period of life - for the baby for the first time will leave with the subject-other.
However, if a baby in two, and even more so in three years does not want to part with a pacifier or sucked his finger, do not write off this to the usual habit and do not give psychological counseling. <
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Sexual pleasure for men. Learn erotic massage
How to correctly and competently doing erotic massage for men
All is well aware that sexual pleasure for both men and women may receive different. If you want to raise his partner into the height of bliss is to learn how to make him a good erotic massage.
Erotic games with tender and gentle strokes, delivered not less fun than sex. It is no accident this pogrom opulyarnostyu enjoy oriental techniques relaxing, exciting and erotic massage. Residents of the East have always known expert in the delights and pleasures, and were able to receive them.
Men fondling a woman is well known that the most erogenous zones it is: the clitoris, breast, mouth, lips, vaginal opening, neck and inner thighs. And what have the men themselves? Do you know his erogenous point? Because without it, neither of which, erotic massage can not even read the question.
At the beginning of the procedure help your partner well relax. Put the man in the tub with nice warm water, gently rub his back, neck, temples, face.
Well helps relaxing back massage, feet and hands. Start with a massage on the palms, then begin to massage your feet. You will see how your man's face becomes more calm, and he was pliable. It is believed that if a woman is able to suck and caress their toes and hands of men, then, she binds him to her. It is worth to remember that the toes - the most powerful erogenous zone for many men.
You can turn it over on his stomach and give him back massages, this massage is invisible to both awakens a desire intimacy. After what you've done to him, the man would be nothing left to do, how gladly obey you. passing from the lungs of hand movements to the stronger, massage the area above the tailbone back - here is a man's erogenous zone. Roughly the same can be said about the area - between the shoulder blades.
After this change tactics - touch his lips, replacing the hand with kisses. Many erogenous zones more sensitive to the language of affection and kisses. For example, neck and ears, and neck. The neck is sensitive to the men kissing and stroking, especially in the part which is closer to the back. Do not tickle in this area - this way you will achieve the opposite effect.
Fingertips caress his nipples, and when you notice that the partner began to breathe more often, then you're on the right track. Feel his buttocks, slapping, pinch them, pay attention to his genitals, almost all men love to touch her intimate places. At the head of the penis a lot of nerve endings, so this region is sensitive to caresses. Most men love when a woman with respect to their testicles - this erogenous zone, trebuyuet individual approach.
Below testicular located erogenous zone - the perineum, which is under the prostate. And many men like a long massage precisely this area.
Remember that it is through contact with the majority of men feel that they are loved. Eksperementiruyte, look for a new erogenous zone, after all your men, in addition to the above areas, can be a lot of individual intimate zones in a completely different field. Search these points is transformed into a useful, exciting and enjoyable for both partners process.
All is well aware that sexual pleasure for both men and women may receive different. If you want to raise his partner into the height of bliss is to learn how to make him a good erotic massage.
Erotic games with tender and gentle strokes, delivered not less fun than sex. It is no accident this pogrom opulyarnostyu enjoy oriental techniques relaxing, exciting and erotic massage. Residents of the East have always known expert in the delights and pleasures, and were able to receive them.
Men fondling a woman is well known that the most erogenous zones it is: the clitoris, breast, mouth, lips, vaginal opening, neck and inner thighs. And what have the men themselves? Do you know his erogenous point? Because without it, neither of which, erotic massage can not even read the question.
At the beginning of the procedure help your partner well relax. Put the man in the tub with nice warm water, gently rub his back, neck, temples, face.
Well helps relaxing back massage, feet and hands. Start with a massage on the palms, then begin to massage your feet. You will see how your man's face becomes more calm, and he was pliable. It is believed that if a woman is able to suck and caress their toes and hands of men, then, she binds him to her. It is worth to remember that the toes - the most powerful erogenous zone for many men.
You can turn it over on his stomach and give him back massages, this massage is invisible to both awakens a desire intimacy. After what you've done to him, the man would be nothing left to do, how gladly obey you. passing from the lungs of hand movements to the stronger, massage the area above the tailbone back - here is a man's erogenous zone. Roughly the same can be said about the area - between the shoulder blades.
After this change tactics - touch his lips, replacing the hand with kisses. Many erogenous zones more sensitive to the language of affection and kisses. For example, neck and ears, and neck. The neck is sensitive to the men kissing and stroking, especially in the part which is closer to the back. Do not tickle in this area - this way you will achieve the opposite effect.
Fingertips caress his nipples, and when you notice that the partner began to breathe more often, then you're on the right track. Feel his buttocks, slapping, pinch them, pay attention to his genitals, almost all men love to touch her intimate places. At the head of the penis a lot of nerve endings, so this region is sensitive to caresses. Most men love when a woman with respect to their testicles - this erogenous zone, trebuyuet individual approach.
Below testicular located erogenous zone - the perineum, which is under the prostate. And many men like a long massage precisely this area.
Remember that it is through contact with the majority of men feel that they are loved. Eksperementiruyte, look for a new erogenous zone, after all your men, in addition to the above areas, can be a lot of individual intimate zones in a completely different field. Search these points is transformed into a useful, exciting and enjoyable for both partners process.
How to charm your favorite? What to give?
How to give an original gift and a girl stand out from the crowd.
Do you often faced with the problem that you do not know what to give a girl how to make it pleasant to impress
After all, you do not want to be like everyone else, to give their beloved something special to impress her, to make a surprise?
In this article I will give 4 simple little tip that will help you in this matter.
1. Give flowers.
The vast majority of women love flowers, especially when you are giving them what not to - a holiday (eg, 8 March), but just without any reason. I think as soon as I hear from you in reply: "I found surprise ..." As if we ourselves knew nothing about it.
And if you're on the hundreds of kilometers away in another city, and thus make your favorite sweet as you think she likes it? You are to me as soon as you can ask quite rightly Vopr: "And as I can in that case, give her flowers?"
1. You can call and ask about your good friend or acquaintance.
2. You can order flowers and gifts over the Internet.
Imagine how surprised your girlfriend when you are abroad, and on your behalf, and even with some warm words she brought a bouquet of flowers.
Now I say one interesting thing about the flowers. All the girls have become accustomed to the colors, but also many of them feel sorry when they fade and they have to throw. And what if the present beautiful flowers growing right in the pot, which did not wilt and dry up and will please her all the year round and are now sold in a large range of different flower shops ...
2. Order your favorite song on the radio.
You can thus call her and say that it included the program, of course not saying why. Think about how your favorite will be pleased when your entire region or even country, you tell her you love her, and a lot of others gentle and pleasant words.
3. Give the original gift. <
Give what others can not donate. For example, I am a good judge in the program Photoshop (all figures and illustrations on this site, I did sobstvenoruchno) and so I often I give to close friends and girls, some individual posters, photos, calendars, original design: hand in hand with TV stars, with the best artists, athletes, and etc. or with the original graffiti in the form of hearts, flowers, etc. <
You can do the same in any large photographic shop, where for a modest fee you can make any photo, calendar or poster for 1-2 days. You like something the original cause of the dishes (eg, cups, mugs) on clothing, etc.
For example on your photo where you together, make 2 hearts and the signature "The most beloved, beautiful, charming, attractive, etc." Yes, anything at all that you have enough imagination and that it would be nice to your maid
4. Write beautiful sms-ku.
Good night, good morning to your girlfriend krasvymi verses or words.
For example, I often wrote to his girlfriend when she was with me, some simple poems or just nice words from the heart.
What to do if you can not formulate my thoughts and write something nice ... Believe me it is quite difficult to simply write down their thoughts, feelings, everything that you think, on a sheet of paper. Write to absolutely not thinking how it would look and sound, and then all a bit Adjust, and you'll be surprised at the result.
Or even easier, type in Yandex or Guggle words like "love-sms", "Romantic smski" "poems about love"
and you will find a whole heap of sites where you can download for free sea smsok and messages to his beloved.
Well, I told you about 4 small way to get a girl to make it fun and original surprise. Note, all of them do not require virtually no significant financial costs, so that you can use them always, absolutely, at any time ...
But still there are such moments, birthday, for example, when you want to give it serious, so let's say your material gift to the girl.
In this case, I'm going to a big supermarket, where there are many different divisions. I walk on them at random, and always you will stumble on something that is very like your girlfriend. Intuition you sure about this prompt. At least I always do, and never leave the store without a cool gift ...
Do you often faced with the problem that you do not know what to give a girl how to make it pleasant to impress
After all, you do not want to be like everyone else, to give their beloved something special to impress her, to make a surprise?
In this article I will give 4 simple little tip that will help you in this matter.
1. Give flowers.
The vast majority of women love flowers, especially when you are giving them what not to - a holiday (eg, 8 March), but just without any reason. I think as soon as I hear from you in reply: "I found surprise ..." As if we ourselves knew nothing about it.
And if you're on the hundreds of kilometers away in another city, and thus make your favorite sweet as you think she likes it? You are to me as soon as you can ask quite rightly Vopr: "And as I can in that case, give her flowers?"
1. You can call and ask about your good friend or acquaintance.
2. You can order flowers and gifts over the Internet.
Imagine how surprised your girlfriend when you are abroad, and on your behalf, and even with some warm words she brought a bouquet of flowers.
Now I say one interesting thing about the flowers. All the girls have become accustomed to the colors, but also many of them feel sorry when they fade and they have to throw. And what if the present beautiful flowers growing right in the pot, which did not wilt and dry up and will please her all the year round and are now sold in a large range of different flower shops ...
2. Order your favorite song on the radio.
You can thus call her and say that it included the program, of course not saying why. Think about how your favorite will be pleased when your entire region or even country, you tell her you love her, and a lot of others gentle and pleasant words.
3. Give the original gift. <
Give what others can not donate. For example, I am a good judge in the program Photoshop (all figures and illustrations on this site, I did sobstvenoruchno) and so I often I give to close friends and girls, some individual posters, photos, calendars, original design: hand in hand with TV stars, with the best artists, athletes, and etc. or with the original graffiti in the form of hearts, flowers, etc. <
You can do the same in any large photographic shop, where for a modest fee you can make any photo, calendar or poster for 1-2 days. You like something the original cause of the dishes (eg, cups, mugs) on clothing, etc.
For example on your photo where you together, make 2 hearts and the signature "The most beloved, beautiful, charming, attractive, etc." Yes, anything at all that you have enough imagination and that it would be nice to your maid
4. Write beautiful sms-ku.
Good night, good morning to your girlfriend krasvymi verses or words.
For example, I often wrote to his girlfriend when she was with me, some simple poems or just nice words from the heart.
What to do if you can not formulate my thoughts and write something nice ... Believe me it is quite difficult to simply write down their thoughts, feelings, everything that you think, on a sheet of paper. Write to absolutely not thinking how it would look and sound, and then all a bit Adjust, and you'll be surprised at the result.
Or even easier, type in Yandex or Guggle words like "love-sms", "Romantic smski" "poems about love"
and you will find a whole heap of sites where you can download for free sea smsok and messages to his beloved.
Well, I told you about 4 small way to get a girl to make it fun and original surprise. Note, all of them do not require virtually no significant financial costs, so that you can use them always, absolutely, at any time ...
But still there are such moments, birthday, for example, when you want to give it serious, so let's say your material gift to the girl.
In this case, I'm going to a big supermarket, where there are many different divisions. I walk on them at random, and always you will stumble on something that is very like your girlfriend. Intuition you sure about this prompt. At least I always do, and never leave the store without a cool gift ...
Sex and the blood group of men and women
Sex and the blood appeared to have some kind of relationship - blood group can draw some conclusions about the sexual behavior of a partner.
Sex and the group 1, blood
Male. Talent in the game of seduction! In the woman he loved most was when she makes him wait. But if he is still seeking his, his chosen one will not be disappointed: it's the most wonderful lover.
Woman. It needs a man who is able to grasp in his arms! Jealous and attractive, she can not stand when he throws it on bystanders, even a glimpse. Her greed to sex can bring a partner to exhaustion and, possibly, and are very happy.
Sex and the 2-I blood group
Male. Very shy, expresses his love light touch of hands, eyes, but if you decide to find himself, makes this quite dramatically. The woman in family life must constantly prove that she loves him. Such a man usually chooses women older than myself, because like maternal care.
Woman. Shy and suspicious - never mind will give the first, even love. But it is an excellent wife: loyal, loving, and soon can become very sensual.
Sex and the 3rd group of blood
Male. All take him for Don Juan, though he knows that it is not. The man with the 3rd blood group - amateur seduce, but it is only because he is afraid of love! Such a man would be a good husband, broken only by fidelity, but, despite this, it can always be relied upon.
Woman. To be faithful to his wife, while hiding their loyalty for a certain extravagance. If its candidate in the 3rd group of blood, she needs to love to take the initiative in their hands. Sex for such men are not the main thing. It will literally suck the sexy out of it, becoming a kind of vampire.
Sex and the 4-I blood group
Male. He is very fond of female society, has a great ability to charm. His feelings are not deep, and he can almost always have sex. And woe to the one that says: "My dear, not today!" - She will never see him again.
Woman. Demanding and rigorous, yet is able to attract the attention of men. She feels an irresistible desire to live, as soon as the "take the reins himself" ... but on the condition that it will elect to give her as much attention as she wants. It is so filled with her lover, which houses a long time he did not usidit.
Sex and the group 1, blood
Male. Talent in the game of seduction! In the woman he loved most was when she makes him wait. But if he is still seeking his, his chosen one will not be disappointed: it's the most wonderful lover.
Woman. It needs a man who is able to grasp in his arms! Jealous and attractive, she can not stand when he throws it on bystanders, even a glimpse. Her greed to sex can bring a partner to exhaustion and, possibly, and are very happy.
Sex and the 2-I blood group
Male. Very shy, expresses his love light touch of hands, eyes, but if you decide to find himself, makes this quite dramatically. The woman in family life must constantly prove that she loves him. Such a man usually chooses women older than myself, because like maternal care.
Woman. Shy and suspicious - never mind will give the first, even love. But it is an excellent wife: loyal, loving, and soon can become very sensual.
Sex and the 3rd group of blood
Male. All take him for Don Juan, though he knows that it is not. The man with the 3rd blood group - amateur seduce, but it is only because he is afraid of love! Such a man would be a good husband, broken only by fidelity, but, despite this, it can always be relied upon.
Woman. To be faithful to his wife, while hiding their loyalty for a certain extravagance. If its candidate in the 3rd group of blood, she needs to love to take the initiative in their hands. Sex for such men are not the main thing. It will literally suck the sexy out of it, becoming a kind of vampire.
Sex and the 4-I blood group
Male. He is very fond of female society, has a great ability to charm. His feelings are not deep, and he can almost always have sex. And woe to the one that says: "My dear, not today!" - She will never see him again.
Woman. Demanding and rigorous, yet is able to attract the attention of men. She feels an irresistible desire to live, as soon as the "take the reins himself" ... but on the condition that it will elect to give her as much attention as she wants. It is so filled with her lover, which houses a long time he did not usidit.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Russia will be help
Russia in the office of the profile, open-based endocrinological institutions. Currently, department is a subdivision of the Institute of Reproductive Endocrinology, which allows for close contact with a gynecologist who was essential in addressing not only reproductive but also sexual health in the family. Since 2007, the clinic conducted various types of surgical interventions on the urinary organs, and therefore formed by two lines of scientific and practical activities: conservative and surgical andrology uroandrologii.
The main directions of scientific and practical activities of the Andrology and Urology:
* Correction copulative and reproductive health of the family.
* Diagnosis and treatment of complex disorders of sexual function in man.
* Diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of male infertility.
* Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the prostate, urethra, external genitalia:
o Chronic prostatitis.
o Chronic pelvic pain.
o Benign prostatic hyperplasia (treatment of prostate adenoma).
o Sexually transmitted infections.
o A survey before the planned conception.
* Surgical correction of congenital and acquired anomalies of genital organs, deformities and hypoplasia.
* Reconstruction of the penis and urethra.
* Correction strictures and obliteration of the urethra, hypospadias, epispadia, treatment of stricture of the urethra.
* Conservative and surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease.
* Hormonal and surgical methods for correction of sex.
* Diagnosis and treatment of delayed sexual and physical development of boys.
* Diagnosis and treatment of congenital malformations of the external genitalia.
* Correction of age disorders in men:
o Treatment of androgen deficiency of aging.
o sexual disorders.
o Correction of obesity, osteoporosis, gynecomastia in men.
o Extension of the creative and physical activity.
* Diagnosis and treatment of urination, urinary incontinence in men and women.
* Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system of men and women (cystitis, pyelonephritis).
Conservative uroandrologiya
Conservative uroandrologiya - Section of Urology, dedicated to the study and non-surgical treatment of diseases specific to the male body. The main diseases falling under the authority of this section are:
* Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis (including sexually transmitted infections), orchitis, epididymitis, balanoposthitis.
* Noninflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, urination disorders of different nature.
* Sexual problems (violation of libido, ejaculation, orgasm, erectile dysfunction) and reproductive health (male infertility).
* Other problems associated with the peculiarities of man's body - asthenia (abnormal fatigue), age androgenodefitsit, poor quality of life for men of any age, etc.
Genital Surgery
Genital surgery - is a separate line in the modern plastic-reconstructive surgery and urology, implying a holding of various surgical interventions on the genitals.
In the sphere of interest genital surgery get surgery performed on the penis, scrotum, testes and the urethra (the urethra). Priority and the most rapidly developing area of the operations on the penis and urethra.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction - the inability of men to achieve and / or maintain an erection sufficient for introducing the penis into the vagina and the commission of a satisfactory sexual intercourse.
Such common sexual disorders, as decreased sex drive, rapid ejaculation, orgasm violation - is not erectile dysfunction.
* Erectile dysfunction is suffering from more than 50% of men older than 40 years.
* Erectile dysfunction - is a disease for more than 150 million men worldwide, including approximately 20 million Europeans and 30 million Americans.
* Every 10 men over 21 suffer from erectile dysfunction.
* Full impotence occurs in 5% of men aged 40 years and 15% at age 70.
* 35% of men with erectile dysfunction are severely erectile dysfunction.
* A man should not tolerate the violation or lack of erection.
Treatment of urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence significantly affects the household, family and professional spheres of life of the patient, delivers constant discomfort, but because patients need to be timely treatment. Urinary incontinence can cause irritation of the skin of perineum, urinary tract infections and emotional discomfort. Urinary incontinence leads to the development of other diseases of internal organs.
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The main directions of scientific and practical activities of the Andrology and Urology:
* Correction copulative and reproductive health of the family.
* Diagnosis and treatment of complex disorders of sexual function in man.
* Diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of male infertility.
* Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the prostate, urethra, external genitalia:
o Chronic prostatitis.
o Chronic pelvic pain.
o Benign prostatic hyperplasia (treatment of prostate adenoma).
o Sexually transmitted infections.
o A survey before the planned conception.
* Surgical correction of congenital and acquired anomalies of genital organs, deformities and hypoplasia.
* Reconstruction of the penis and urethra.
* Correction strictures and obliteration of the urethra, hypospadias, epispadia, treatment of stricture of the urethra.
* Conservative and surgical treatment of Peyronie's disease.
* Hormonal and surgical methods for correction of sex.
* Diagnosis and treatment of delayed sexual and physical development of boys.
* Diagnosis and treatment of congenital malformations of the external genitalia.
* Correction of age disorders in men:
o Treatment of androgen deficiency of aging.
o sexual disorders.
o Correction of obesity, osteoporosis, gynecomastia in men.
o Extension of the creative and physical activity.
* Diagnosis and treatment of urination, urinary incontinence in men and women.
* Inflammatory diseases of the urogenital system of men and women (cystitis, pyelonephritis).
Conservative uroandrologiya
Conservative uroandrologiya - Section of Urology, dedicated to the study and non-surgical treatment of diseases specific to the male body. The main diseases falling under the authority of this section are:
* Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - pyelonephritis, cystitis, prostatitis, urethritis (including sexually transmitted infections), orchitis, epididymitis, balanoposthitis.
* Noninflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system - benign prostatic hyperplasia (adenoma), a syndrome of chronic pelvic pain, urination disorders of different nature.
* Sexual problems (violation of libido, ejaculation, orgasm, erectile dysfunction) and reproductive health (male infertility).
* Other problems associated with the peculiarities of man's body - asthenia (abnormal fatigue), age androgenodefitsit, poor quality of life for men of any age, etc.
Genital Surgery
Genital surgery - is a separate line in the modern plastic-reconstructive surgery and urology, implying a holding of various surgical interventions on the genitals.
In the sphere of interest genital surgery get surgery performed on the penis, scrotum, testes and the urethra (the urethra). Priority and the most rapidly developing area of the operations on the penis and urethra.
Erectile dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction - the inability of men to achieve and / or maintain an erection sufficient for introducing the penis into the vagina and the commission of a satisfactory sexual intercourse.
Such common sexual disorders, as decreased sex drive, rapid ejaculation, orgasm violation - is not erectile dysfunction.
* Erectile dysfunction is suffering from more than 50% of men older than 40 years.
* Erectile dysfunction - is a disease for more than 150 million men worldwide, including approximately 20 million Europeans and 30 million Americans.
* Every 10 men over 21 suffer from erectile dysfunction.
* Full impotence occurs in 5% of men aged 40 years and 15% at age 70.
* 35% of men with erectile dysfunction are severely erectile dysfunction.
* A man should not tolerate the violation or lack of erection.
Treatment of urinary incontinence
Urinary incontinence significantly affects the household, family and professional spheres of life of the patient, delivers constant discomfort, but because patients need to be timely treatment. Urinary incontinence can cause irritation of the skin of perineum, urinary tract infections and emotional discomfort. Urinary incontinence leads to the development of other diseases of internal organs.
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Thursday, October 22, 2009
Levitra Solution Medications US
Levitra (vardenafil) - a new drug to address erectile dysfunction, so-called "Packaging with flame.
Violation of erectile function ( "weakness" of the penis) identify the millions of men around the world, which is very important and determines the popularity and importance of drugs for its restoration. According to WHO, the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in the world - 52% among men older than 40 years. In Russia, a potential group of at least 13 million people. According to various studies, is currently receiving treatment about 200000 - 500000 people. Every year the number of men suffering from erectile function disorder is increasing. The problem is that men do not pay enough attention to their sexual health. Entering the market of drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction allowed us to draw attention to the problem and increase the number of men who are looking for a solution.
The global pharmaceutical market represented three original drug used for erectile dysfunction: Viagra manufactured by Pfizer (long known to consumers in the United States and Europe), Cialis manufactured by Eli Lilly (appeared on the market at the end of 2003) and Levitra (vardenafil) - a new drug made by German pharmaceutical Bayer, the promoting, together with the company GlaxoSmithKline.
Cialis and Levitra are one principle of Viagra and have more similarities with it than differences - have a peripheral effect on erections. All three drugs have similar mechanism of action, which is caused by the blocking of specific phosphodiesterase type 5 - PDE5 (responsible for the breakdown of cGMP), which contains the largest number in a cavernous (cavernous), the body of the penis. As a result of blocking this enzyme accumulation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate, which leads to relaxation of smooth muscle in the cavernous body of penis and its associated arterioles. The consequence of this is the blood flow to the tissues of the penis that causes erections.
Manufacturers Cialis sees his advantage in that it operates longer (up to 36 hours) compared with Viagra (4 - 5 hours). And according to the head of the Medical Department, representing the interests of Russia Bayer, Levitra begins to act much faster than competing drugs, about 15 minutes after administration, ie is the most bysrodeystvuyuschim tool.
Violation of erectile function ( "weakness" of the penis) identify the millions of men around the world, which is very important and determines the popularity and importance of drugs for its restoration. According to WHO, the prevalence of erectile dysfunction in the world - 52% among men older than 40 years. In Russia, a potential group of at least 13 million people. According to various studies, is currently receiving treatment about 200000 - 500000 people. Every year the number of men suffering from erectile function disorder is increasing. The problem is that men do not pay enough attention to their sexual health. Entering the market of drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction allowed us to draw attention to the problem and increase the number of men who are looking for a solution.
The global pharmaceutical market represented three original drug used for erectile dysfunction: Viagra manufactured by Pfizer (long known to consumers in the United States and Europe), Cialis manufactured by Eli Lilly (appeared on the market at the end of 2003) and Levitra (vardenafil) - a new drug made by German pharmaceutical Bayer, the promoting, together with the company GlaxoSmithKline.
Cialis and Levitra are one principle of Viagra and have more similarities with it than differences - have a peripheral effect on erections. All three drugs have similar mechanism of action, which is caused by the blocking of specific phosphodiesterase type 5 - PDE5 (responsible for the breakdown of cGMP), which contains the largest number in a cavernous (cavernous), the body of the penis. As a result of blocking this enzyme accumulation of cyclic guanosine monophosphate, which leads to relaxation of smooth muscle in the cavernous body of penis and its associated arterioles. The consequence of this is the blood flow to the tissues of the penis that causes erections.
Manufacturers Cialis sees his advantage in that it operates longer (up to 36 hours) compared with Viagra (4 - 5 hours). And according to the head of the Medical Department, representing the interests of Russia Bayer, Levitra begins to act much faster than competing drugs, about 15 minutes after administration, ie is the most bysrodeystvuyuschim tool.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Why gray?
When you were 30, and you noticed in his gray hairs, they do not particularly bothered. You just pulled them all. And now you look at yourself in the mirror and can not believe my eyes.
How did this happen?
At some point the body stops producing melanin, the pigment that determines the color of hair and defines who you are - red, brown, brunette or blonde. The same pigment determines the color of your skin. The more of this substance in the body, the darker skin and hair.
Each hair grows from a bulb, which is something like a tube. Hair follicles contain certain number of cells that produce melanin - melanocytes.
As we age, our body produces less and less melanin, and the hair turns gray, more and more. In the end, they become completely white, as the body completely stops the production of melanin. Become even gray hairs on the body.
Separate hair on his head sedeet not immediately. In the hair has its own life cycle. Hair grows a few years, then within a few months as it rests, and finally fall. This process occurs throughout life, whether you have gray hair or not. But when the bulb produces a new hair, it may be less melanin than before, and the hair will grow gray.
Therefore man can not turn gray overnight. Usually, the hair completely white-haired, it takes about 10 years. Although the first gray hairs can appear as early as adolescence, most of us are beginning to turn gray at 35 - 50 years. This is largely determined by heredity.
It is not clear why the body stops producing melanin. Not been proved that stress or trauma can make your hair turn white. Nevertheless, identified some factors affecting the production of melanin:
· Lack of vitamin B12 in your diet
· Thyroid disease (thyroid gland is responsible for the use of energy in the body)
· Bourneville's disease (tuberous sclerosis)
· Vitiligo (when the disease melanocytes are destroyed or missing)
Men turn gray sooner than women, and white - earlier than Asians or African Americans. Smokers turn gray before nonsmokers. First, usually turns white whiskey, then the process extends to the crown.
How would you or treat their gray hair, gray hair - normal, age-related changes.
Rx Washington
How did this happen?
At some point the body stops producing melanin, the pigment that determines the color of hair and defines who you are - red, brown, brunette or blonde. The same pigment determines the color of your skin. The more of this substance in the body, the darker skin and hair.
Each hair grows from a bulb, which is something like a tube. Hair follicles contain certain number of cells that produce melanin - melanocytes.
As we age, our body produces less and less melanin, and the hair turns gray, more and more. In the end, they become completely white, as the body completely stops the production of melanin. Become even gray hairs on the body.
Separate hair on his head sedeet not immediately. In the hair has its own life cycle. Hair grows a few years, then within a few months as it rests, and finally fall. This process occurs throughout life, whether you have gray hair or not. But when the bulb produces a new hair, it may be less melanin than before, and the hair will grow gray.
Therefore man can not turn gray overnight. Usually, the hair completely white-haired, it takes about 10 years. Although the first gray hairs can appear as early as adolescence, most of us are beginning to turn gray at 35 - 50 years. This is largely determined by heredity.
It is not clear why the body stops producing melanin. Not been proved that stress or trauma can make your hair turn white. Nevertheless, identified some factors affecting the production of melanin:
· Lack of vitamin B12 in your diet
· Thyroid disease (thyroid gland is responsible for the use of energy in the body)
· Bourneville's disease (tuberous sclerosis)
· Vitiligo (when the disease melanocytes are destroyed or missing)
Men turn gray sooner than women, and white - earlier than Asians or African Americans. Smokers turn gray before nonsmokers. First, usually turns white whiskey, then the process extends to the crown.
How would you or treat their gray hair, gray hair - normal, age-related changes.
Rx Washington
A survey for an old father
If you are an old dear to the health of your father, convinced him to get tested for prostate cancer. It is for him one of the most important!
While we all know the importance of such surveys, statistics show that most men older than 50 years (that is, those who are at risk) are afraid to learn about prostate cancer and refused medical supervision.
According to surveys, 74% of men in risk groups suggest that fear of side effects, svzannyh with treating this type of cancer (impotence, diarrhea, constipation, change in body weight), forcing other men to abandon the survey, and only 9% admitted that it stops themselves.
Approximately one in five of those who did not undergo an annual survey, attributes this fear to know that he has cancer, and treatment can have side effects. After interviewing their wives found that fear factor really plays a big role: about one third of women admitted that inaction husbands stoking fears of a possible disease.
Meanwhile, a survey is necessary, because prostate cancer is easily cured if it is detected at early stages. Can not refuse treatment because of the restrictions that it imposes! In addition, scientists continue to study prostate cancer and look for more benign methods of treatment.
Prostate cancer is the second most common after skin cancer. In men it is the second in frequency of fatalities cancer.
Diagnosis of prostate cancer
The risk of developing prostate cancer increases after 50 years. Over 80% of cases recorded in patients over 65 years.
There are different opinions about the effectiveness of surveys on prostate cancer. Some believe that they do not reduce mortality from prostate cancer. According to another view, shared by authoritative organizations throughout the world, such screening saves people's lives.
The direction of this survey gives a therapist.
Rectal finger examination
Rectal examination in the course of regular medical examinations used to diagnose prostate cancer in men older than 50 years and younger, at risk. To identify the compressed or enlarged sections of the prostate gland doctor inserts a finger into the anus in a glove, lubricated with gel. The prostate is located next to the rectum, so many emerging tumors can feel for her during rectal examination. This type of survey is unpleasant enough, but fast.
Test for prostate specific antigen (PSA)
With the PSA test measured content in the blood of a specific protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. This test is recommended once a year to pass men over 50 and young people who are at risk.
PSA test results listed in nanograms per milliliter or ng / ml.
The normal rate - less than 4 ng / ml. Values from 4 to 10 ng / ml are considered borderline, and more than 10 ng / ml - elevated. The higher the level of prostate-specific antigen, the higher the probability of disease.
PSA test - a tool of primary diagnosis. Its level may rise in the presence of not only malignant, but benign tumors of the prostate gland. At the same time, and in cancer PSA level may be within normal limits.
PSA test is also used to monitor the condition of patients who had prostate cancer in the past. Increased PSA levels may serve as an early sign of tumor recurrence and the signal to start re-treatment.
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)
TRUS is appointed if there are deviations in the results of finger rectal examination or PSA test. In the rectum through the anus insert the tube. Ultrasonic waves can form on-screen image of the prostate gland.
Simultaneously with the TRUS biopsies are sometimes given a suspicious area of the prostate. The study is usually conducted in the clinic and takes less than 30 minutes.
Rx South Dakota
While we all know the importance of such surveys, statistics show that most men older than 50 years (that is, those who are at risk) are afraid to learn about prostate cancer and refused medical supervision.
According to surveys, 74% of men in risk groups suggest that fear of side effects, svzannyh with treating this type of cancer (impotence, diarrhea, constipation, change in body weight), forcing other men to abandon the survey, and only 9% admitted that it stops themselves.
Approximately one in five of those who did not undergo an annual survey, attributes this fear to know that he has cancer, and treatment can have side effects. After interviewing their wives found that fear factor really plays a big role: about one third of women admitted that inaction husbands stoking fears of a possible disease.
Meanwhile, a survey is necessary, because prostate cancer is easily cured if it is detected at early stages. Can not refuse treatment because of the restrictions that it imposes! In addition, scientists continue to study prostate cancer and look for more benign methods of treatment.
Prostate cancer is the second most common after skin cancer. In men it is the second in frequency of fatalities cancer.
Diagnosis of prostate cancer
The risk of developing prostate cancer increases after 50 years. Over 80% of cases recorded in patients over 65 years.
There are different opinions about the effectiveness of surveys on prostate cancer. Some believe that they do not reduce mortality from prostate cancer. According to another view, shared by authoritative organizations throughout the world, such screening saves people's lives.
The direction of this survey gives a therapist.
Rectal finger examination
Rectal examination in the course of regular medical examinations used to diagnose prostate cancer in men older than 50 years and younger, at risk. To identify the compressed or enlarged sections of the prostate gland doctor inserts a finger into the anus in a glove, lubricated with gel. The prostate is located next to the rectum, so many emerging tumors can feel for her during rectal examination. This type of survey is unpleasant enough, but fast.
Test for prostate specific antigen (PSA)
With the PSA test measured content in the blood of a specific protein produced by cells of the prostate gland. This test is recommended once a year to pass men over 50 and young people who are at risk.
PSA test results listed in nanograms per milliliter or ng / ml.
The normal rate - less than 4 ng / ml. Values from 4 to 10 ng / ml are considered borderline, and more than 10 ng / ml - elevated. The higher the level of prostate-specific antigen, the higher the probability of disease.
PSA test - a tool of primary diagnosis. Its level may rise in the presence of not only malignant, but benign tumors of the prostate gland. At the same time, and in cancer PSA level may be within normal limits.
PSA test is also used to monitor the condition of patients who had prostate cancer in the past. Increased PSA levels may serve as an early sign of tumor recurrence and the signal to start re-treatment.
Transrectal ultrasound (TRUS)
TRUS is appointed if there are deviations in the results of finger rectal examination or PSA test. In the rectum through the anus insert the tube. Ultrasonic waves can form on-screen image of the prostate gland.
Simultaneously with the TRUS biopsies are sometimes given a suspicious area of the prostate. The study is usually conducted in the clinic and takes less than 30 minutes.
Rx South Dakota
When weaker senses
Aging affects the entire body, including sense organs. Vision, hearing, taste, smell and touch are beginning to weaken. How fast and far-reaching of these changes will largely determine the future life.
Around 30-40 years old pupils are beginning to narrow, and the lens of the eye becomes denser and loses its transparency. This reduces the amount of light reaching the retina. To see well, eyes 60-year-old man to 3 times more light than the eyes of youth. Typically, the first symptom of the changes is the deterioration of vision in the dark. In this case, may have to give up driving at night.
The muscles that help to focus the eye, gradually begin to lose their elasticity. After 40 may not be able to focus on close objects and the need for reading glasses.
Glaucoma and retinal dystrophy - the main causes of blindness in old age. With both diseases, to some extent can be combated. So after 40 years is particularly important to regularly visit an ophthalmologist.
About a third of Americans older than 60 years and half of Americans over 85 suffer some degree of hearing loss.
The main cause of hearing loss - damage to the delicate hairs of the inner ear, which send signals to the brain. Loud noises, inner ear infection and fever of accelerating this process. First, usually deteriorates the ability to hear high-pitched sound, as well as the ability to follow a conversation in the presence of background noise.
Education in the ear plugs sulfur - another reason for the deterioration of hearing. As we age, degenerative changes occur in the sweat glands, namely, their isolation makes ear sulfur soft. Denser earwax can block the transmission of sound waves, and the sounds will seem muted.
"Ringing in the ears appears when the hairs in the inner ear are damaged and the brain sends electrical signals that are interpreted as sound.
Taste and smell
Very often we confuse the taste and smell. Approximately 80 percent of the problems that we feel connected with taste, in fact, belong to the sense of smell.
Taste - some of the most powerful. Man is born with about 10 000 taste buds on your tongue. After 50 we start to lose some of them. As a young man distinguishes five different tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and astringent (minds). With age, the sweet beginning to be felt more strongly acidic and slightly weaker.
Sense of smell helps to distinguish smells. Try to smell chocolate. The taste is sweet and slightly bitter, but she has absolutely no smell.
Approximately 30% of people aged 70-80 years have problems with smell. Loss of smell may be total or partial, may also change the perception of smells. For example, a person can feel horrible smell, when in fact it does not, or strawberries may suddenly lose its flavor. Sometimes this leads to depression.
Return the sense of smell or taste in most cases impossible. The risk increases if a person smokes or not caring for their teeth. Polyps in the nose can also block odors. Worsen the ability to receive medications, head injuries and some diseases.
With age, skin becomes drier, thinner and less elastic, and placed it in the nerve cells - are less sensitive. Could change the sensitivity to changes in temperature. Various diseases, such as the deterioration of blood circulation or nerve damage from diabetes also lead to a deterioration of touch.
Rx Alabama
Around 30-40 years old pupils are beginning to narrow, and the lens of the eye becomes denser and loses its transparency. This reduces the amount of light reaching the retina. To see well, eyes 60-year-old man to 3 times more light than the eyes of youth. Typically, the first symptom of the changes is the deterioration of vision in the dark. In this case, may have to give up driving at night.
The muscles that help to focus the eye, gradually begin to lose their elasticity. After 40 may not be able to focus on close objects and the need for reading glasses.
Glaucoma and retinal dystrophy - the main causes of blindness in old age. With both diseases, to some extent can be combated. So after 40 years is particularly important to regularly visit an ophthalmologist.
About a third of Americans older than 60 years and half of Americans over 85 suffer some degree of hearing loss.
The main cause of hearing loss - damage to the delicate hairs of the inner ear, which send signals to the brain. Loud noises, inner ear infection and fever of accelerating this process. First, usually deteriorates the ability to hear high-pitched sound, as well as the ability to follow a conversation in the presence of background noise.
Education in the ear plugs sulfur - another reason for the deterioration of hearing. As we age, degenerative changes occur in the sweat glands, namely, their isolation makes ear sulfur soft. Denser earwax can block the transmission of sound waves, and the sounds will seem muted.
"Ringing in the ears appears when the hairs in the inner ear are damaged and the brain sends electrical signals that are interpreted as sound.
Taste and smell
Very often we confuse the taste and smell. Approximately 80 percent of the problems that we feel connected with taste, in fact, belong to the sense of smell.
Taste - some of the most powerful. Man is born with about 10 000 taste buds on your tongue. After 50 we start to lose some of them. As a young man distinguishes five different tastes: sweet, sour, salty, bitter and astringent (minds). With age, the sweet beginning to be felt more strongly acidic and slightly weaker.
Sense of smell helps to distinguish smells. Try to smell chocolate. The taste is sweet and slightly bitter, but she has absolutely no smell.
Approximately 30% of people aged 70-80 years have problems with smell. Loss of smell may be total or partial, may also change the perception of smells. For example, a person can feel horrible smell, when in fact it does not, or strawberries may suddenly lose its flavor. Sometimes this leads to depression.
Return the sense of smell or taste in most cases impossible. The risk increases if a person smokes or not caring for their teeth. Polyps in the nose can also block odors. Worsen the ability to receive medications, head injuries and some diseases.
With age, skin becomes drier, thinner and less elastic, and placed it in the nerve cells - are less sensitive. Could change the sensitivity to changes in temperature. Various diseases, such as the deterioration of blood circulation or nerve damage from diabetes also lead to a deterioration of touch.
Rx Alabama
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