What is nipple-empty
Appearing on the light, the child did not know how, and its relationship with the outside world is kept only on innate reflexes, one of which is sucking (in the first months of life is the main, dominant reflex). And because the baby sucking for not just self-indulgence or an amusement, but an act, filled with special, profound meaning. Sucking on the breast and the more bottles with artificial mixture can not fully satisfy the principal until the instinct. And then it comes to the aid of a pacifier. In addition, parents troubled children know what an excellent sedative and hypnotic drug. Most children simply suck on a pacifier, to gain peace of mind and balance, and sleep.
It is important to remember that the dummy should not be the usual means to calm the child. More important to find out the causes of disorders of the child and seek a solution. Do not abuse the empty shell and give her baby when he is calm and can get along without it.
When pacifiers should not be used in any case?
alt In the first weeks of breastfeeding.
When a child learns to suck the breast in his mouth should not be anything other than the nipple mom. The newborn must learn how to suck, to get more milk. The baby sucks the pacifier differently than the mother nipple. Some newborns, but not all, are beginning to get confused if both of them give breast pacifier or bottle with a pacifier. Miming has a narrow base and babies do not need to open up his mouth. As a result, they are sucking on the breast properly, chewing nipples, and this is a very bad start breastfeeding.
Tip: Do not use pacifiers until the newborn is not learned to suck and yet you have a lot of milk. If you have sore nipples or you are very tired, let your baby finger (or, better yet, let it be my father's finger). The feeling of skin to skin is, your index finger or pinky pope placed in the child's mouth, better imitate sucking chest.
alt as substitutes for feeding.
Pacifiers are needed to meet the needs of nursing, and not to delay or replace the feed! At the other end of the "comforter" should always be a living person. Chest (or finger) did not give a habit of appearing simply stop the source of the cries in a mechanical way. <
Pacifiers and thumb: which is better?
Once the baby with partially unsatisfied sucking reflex realized that the mouth can cram your finger or even two, he will be happy to spend too much time and slobber their tiny fingers. And then the question of choice arises, as they say, an edge. Finger or Dummy? If the preferences of the child can have an impact, you should choose a pacifier. First, the nipple - it is an object from the outside world, which is extremely important to maintain some connection to ever find it and what will replace the pacifier. If the baby is sucking his finger, he is completely closed on itself, and none of the surrounding reality can not help him. In addition, to replace the finger is much more difficult, as the child gets used to rely solely on himself. If the baby sucks her thumb and rejects the pacifier, you can try to breast feed him more often and make every feeding a long time.
Miming is not harmless.
The main danger posed by prolonged sucking pacifiers - a change in the structure of the oral cavity. When the first baby teeth is empty may cause improper formation of the bite and often becomes the cause of the defects of diction.
Doctors also warn parents of the seductive idea of wet pacifier in anything sweet (juice, honey, jam), so that the baby soon calmed down and fell asleep. Thus, the crumbs may be dependent on a certain taste, that not only prevents wean him from the pacifier, but also promotes the development of caries
How to choose a pacifier and use it?
When buying a pacifier, parents should be a good idea of what they are to buy what you need is your child. One must consider not only the form of nipples and the material of which it is made, but also its size (there are dummies of different sizes for children up to six months and after six months) and level of reliability
It is desirable that the dummy was made from a single piece of rubber or silicone, or at least that it was hard to make out because the baby may swallow part of the nipples. It is also necessary that the plate had a hole at the base to the child was easy to breathe.
Silicone is easy to disinfect, so pacifier silicone safer. In addition, it is also very durable material, so that this dummy serve longer. Rubber may also cause a nettle-rash on the cheeks and lips, and it is better to collect dirt. However, when the baby teeth begin to appear, the hard silicone may contribute to their deformation.
Dentists recommend anatomical pacifiers (also known as orthopedic, ortodontalnymi, dental). This nipple is flat on the side adjacent to the language. The shape of the anatomical structure of the gum meets the nipples and has less influence on their structure. Often you will notice that the baby sucks the pacifier the anatomic contrary, ie flat side of the sky, and the concave side of the language. It is not harmful and does not damage the gums. This nipple can suck in any way
Before the first use alt boil nipples and bottles a few minutes. Avoiding damage to the bottles and nipples in boiling, watch the water level above products. Boil for 2-3 minutes is enough.
alt Thoroughly wash and disinfect teats and bottles before each use.
alt holder must regularly inspect and discovering the damage, immediately emis
alt not tie a pacifier with rubber bands. Use a ribbon or a plastic chain.
alt can not keep it long in the sun or near a heat source. <
alt must have more than one tone to avoid a tragedy, if lost, and only favorite.
alt Do not let silicone pacifiers children with carved teeth.
alt nipples natural latex have a limited lifespan. Check the nipples for cracks and breaks before each use and replace latex nipples after 4-6 weeks of regular use.
When and how to wean from the pacifier
It all depends on the degree of attachment and dependency on the pacifier. Sucking reflex begins to fade after six months, the child appeared more intense emotions. It's time to offer him a new interesting and useful entertainment, and not gag pacifier until 1, 5, or even 2 years. For weaning should choose the most peaceful and stable period of life - for the baby for the first time will leave with the subject-other.
However, if a baby in two, and even more so in three years does not want to part with a pacifier or sucked his finger, do not write off this to the usual habit and do not give psychological counseling. <
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Sunday, December 13, 2009
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